Our services include:
Rebuilding+repairing+installation of machines:

- CMC Helios 105 + CMC Auriga
- CMC HSV70-20 (CMC Helios + CMC Spotter + CMC Virgo)
- CMC HSV70-20 (CMC Helios + CMC Spotter + CMC Virgo)
- Heidelberg GTO52Z offsetprintingmachine
- Perondi/crathern IA830 + C800
- Polar 115CE
- Polar 137 EMC-Monitor
- Schneider Senator 92MC
- Tünkers Vorwärts 800
- Tünkers Vorwärts 1100
- Tünkers Vorwärts 1100
- Tünkers Vorwärts 1100

- Tünkers Vorwärts 1100

- Tünkers Vorwärts S1450
- Wohlenberg 76SPM

- Zechini Roby One + SMM74+SMM74X

Machine removal examples:

- Sheeter Dörries Voith

Loading machines examples:

- 5 guillotines prepared for loading into 20 feet container
- Dismantling & loading of a 4 color + coater Mitsubishi 70x100 press

- Loading of a Heidelberg Prosetter Configuration
- The unusual way.....